Household consumption market continues to recover

2021-12-22 管理员 Read 789

  "After the new house is decorated, we are ready to move. We will go out on the weekend and pick up some household items," said Wang Li, a consumer who is shopping at a household store in Chaoyang District, Beijing.

  Recently, the number of consumers coming to the home stores in Beijing, Shanghai, Changsha and other cities has increased significantly. It is reported that September and October are the peak decoration seasons every year, because the temperature is appropriate and the air mobility is strong, which is very favorable for building materials and the construction environment. In November, with the completion of decoration, home sales entered the peak season. The insiders said that now the market is gradually warming up, various favorable national policies have been introduced, and the consumption vitality of the household market will be further released.

  At present, although the household decoration consumption in China is affected to some extent by the COVID-19 and other factors, the national consumption of building materials and household decoration has recovered in the first half of the year. Data shows that in the first half of the year, the accumulated sales of building materials and home furnishing stores above designated size nationwide reached 637.171 billion yuan, up 32.47% year on year, showing full development resilience.

  Not long ago, the Action Plan for Promoting the High Quality Development of the Home Furnishing Industry (hereinafter referred to as the Action Plan) jointly issued by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development, the Ministry of Commerce and the State Administration of Market Supervision proposed to promote the quality consumption of home furnishing brands with high-quality supply. By 2025, the innovation capacity of the home furnishing industry will be significantly enhanced, and the supply of high-quality products will increase significantly. Cultivate about 50 famous brands in the home furnishing industry, promote a batch of excellent products, and initially form a higher level virtuous circle of supply creating demand and demand pulling supply.

  Experts said that household products are durable consumer goods, the second largest household consumption expenditure after automobiles. The Action Plan proposes to increase the supply of healthy smart green products, cultivate smart home ecology, implement home product promotion actions, promote green smart home products to the countryside and other tasks. By optimizing the market supply structure, develop products and services that meet the needs of multi-level, diversified and multi scene needs, promote the efficient connection between supply and demand, fully share the industrial achievements, and promote the high-quality development of the home industry.

  The insiders suggested that, in the next step, to promote the continuous recovery of furniture consumption, it is necessary to increase policy support for green, healthy and smart home products, and promote the formation of a consumption promotion linkage mechanism involving the government, associations, enterprises, e-commerce platforms and other parties. Encourage new retail development such as smart home experience center, smart appliance life center, and health lighting experience center to sink into the community, and promote the upgrading of home consumption.

   Former title: Household consumption market continues to recover (consumption kaleidoscope)